The Way of the Badger

4 min readFeb 1, 2020

I know what you’re thinking … what the fuck is the “Way of the Badger”? The Way of the Badger is not just a mindset, it’s not something that I’ve learned from reading books, or visiting a spiritual guru in K’un L’un or Kamar-Taj … the Way of the Badger is learned by living, by being kicked in the (proverbial or actual) dick, falling to the ground, and standing back up. Each time you stand up, you have a choice — ferocity or docility.

There is no “easy” way to learn this lesson, no “Cliff Notes” or tl:DR; some of us (myself included) have taken this class more than once through life events. When I was a child, my elders called this “learning from the School of Hard Knocks”; that’s an appropriate way to think about it. Truth be told, there are a number of lessons within the Way of the Badger that take root in Greene’s 48 Laws of Power. Some to think about, that I will delve into with time:

Law 23: Concentrate your forces.

Law 25: Re-create yourself.

Law 48: Assume formlessness.

Life has its own way, it’s own methodology in teaching us what we need to know, and Life functions on its own timeframe. We do not get to decide when we learn everything, or go at our own pace. The first “lesson”, however is always available:

The honey badger don’t give a fuck.

That’s right. The video, the meme come to life … and essential to growth in the way. As a society, we are all too focused on what other people think of us, how other people see us. As such, we bastardize the 25th and 48th Laws of Power … we re-create ourselves, we assume formlessness. In doing so, however, it is rarely for our own benefit. It’s done to “fit in”, to avoid the pointing finger or to appear the “outcast”.

It is easier for most to blend in and go along with what’s popular, than it is to stand on two feet and be who you are or who you need to be. It is easier to go along with something, regardless of how you feel about that matter personally, than it is to put yourself out there in objection or defiance. Just as members of the major political parties of the United States … “toe the party line or risk being shunned as unAmerican or worse”

And then there is the opposite end of the spectrum … “we” like to call them Influencers. These are the people who make a living of telling others about living their lives, while ignoring the reality. They make a living off of “being pretty”, while relying upon others to do as they say and do, or at least to hit the like, share, and subscribe buttons while donating to their Patreon. Regardless of the source of their charisma, they, too, assume formlessness as they hop from trend to trend, “leading the way” for others to follow.

And yet, all the while, so many of the Influencers rely on others to get ahead. Whether that is by using their platform(s) of choice to request “subscriptions” (donations) from their followers or striking agreements with producers of goods to “review” and demonstrate products, in exchange for freebies.

They stand out, and yet rarely forge their own path … they rely on others to carry them there, as if they were a Roman emperor.

I’ve attempted to walk both paths … to blend in and “hide”, especially when times get tough; but to also become one of the Influencers, however I lack that ability to rely on others to do what I can do myself. Neither path fit, so, while standing motionless, yet restless, I came to realize there was another way.

For me, though, it took a near death experience to find the way.

Hopefully for anyone looking to find their way, it doesn’t come to this … sometimes the universe has to go to extremes in order to get your attention and keep it. If you aren’t listening, eventually the Fates will make you hear their collective voice. What you do from there is up to you.

I have long resisted sharing, but that time has past. It was brought to my attention that what I have to say has an audience that needs to hear it. I’m no prophet, no Influencer, and I’m certainly no longer content with going with the flow because “it’s easier”. The Way of the Badger is arduous at times, painful at others … it is a mindset, a discipline, and an outlook. It won’t work for everyone, shit it might not work for anyone besides myself. But you never know unless you try.

So, I will leave on this note, for now … thoughts for the next time:

The honey badger is notorious for its strength, ferocity, persistence, and toughness … as such, they are difficult to deter.

Be difficult to deter.




Advocate, leader, follower, mentor, developer of the Way of the Badger, SFDC Pro, Geek, business owner, tinkerer, breaker of shit. Keeping it @700 words or less